Monday, March 27, 2006

The Wait is Over

So, here's my first blog entry. I've enjoyed reading the blogs of my family members so much that I can't let my corner of the family be the only one out of the loop. I'm a technology professional after all. How embarrassing is it that my younger siblings got into this before me?

Just because my brother can't figure out spell check and my sister says she can't find the time is of little comfort when you consider the fact that they were still on here first. Of course, I like to think it's more like the old Heinz commercials: "The best things come to those who wait."

To all of family, my friends, my fans, the relentless paparazzi, and even that weird stalker chic from elementary school (and middle school and high school and the other day at McDonald's)...the wait is over. Michael is here!


Windy Smith said...

All I have to say is that I, Windy, your all time favorite cousin, is not on your links. Just so you can't say you didn't know I had one. It is
go and check it out. I really am glad that you posted something and you still have your sense of humor that is often times hidden around the ones you love most!!!hehehe

Michael said...

I didn't know that you had one Windy, but I've already added a link on my page. Thanks for letting me know.

Melissa said...

I don't know what we've done without you here in "blogland". Now, I am at peace!

Caci said...

Wow! I am so glad that, once again, you couldn't be outdone my ME! But, it forever inscribed in writing that I was here (in Blogland) first! Let that be a sign to all.....Michael only entered as competition to me and Jeffrey!!!!! love ya bunches....keep posting!!!

Melissa said...

Uh, actually Caci, Jeffrey was the very first one to start a blog. Sorry! I can say you have done a heck of a lot better staying updated.

Caci said...

I mean I was here BEFORE Michael!!! That is what matters!