Monday night softball games are killing me. I hate having to post these a day late. Oh well, softball only lasts until November, but then again, there's always the spring season. I guess I'll have to tell the league that my team can't play on Monday nights in the spring because of Heroes. I did finally get to see the latest episode, though. Highlight below to read my thoughts:
Peter is AWESOME! The whole learning his powers again deal is going to get hold fast, though, so I hope that they don't drag his storyline out too long. The way that he handled the guys in the bar, though, was sweet. Apparently, he picked up all of Sylar's powers when they met at the end of last season, too, because he was moving things (people) with just a wave of his hand. The Irishmen seem to have not figured out that they were actually sent to find Peter, but I think that they know more than we think at this point. I mean where did the box come from? Someone wants them to know about him and to use him, and I think they're playing him to see just how powerful he really is.
Hiro is still fun and has his great moments. I love the "Battle of Twelve Swords." Very cool move, but when is he going to figure out that he can't keep jacking with history. That's what got terrorist Hiro into trouble in the future last season. Of course, I'm still waiting on him to mature into a similar character to the terrorist Hiro and get away from sounding so whiny all the time.
The cool deal is that Kensei is one of them. I theorized last week that Molly is seeing Kensei in her dreams, and I think that is still true. Now that we know he can heal, then we have to wonder if he can die. Or at the very least, it would make sense that his healing power would give him extraordinarily long life. So he could still be around haunting Molly's dreams. Additionally, I'm going to refine my theory and say that the reason she only sees his eyes is because he's wearing a samurai mask. I don't remember who gave me that idea, but I like it and if you're reading: thanks!
How does the symbol play into all of this? Kensei is supposed to go and rescue the sword maker, and the symbol is on his daughter's sword. Is the sword maker one of them also? Or does Kensei just adopt the symbol over time? And how does that symbol end up tattooed on Nikki/Jessica's shoulder? Was she engineered?
Speaking of being engineered, I still think that Mohinder was genetically engineered to be the cure for his sister's disease. I theorized on that last season, and I still believe that it is true. I just wish that we knew more about the disease, what it does, and how it spreads. Interestingly, when talking to Mohinder, the company agent indicated that he already knew that Mohinder is the key and that he had saved Molly. If he knows that, then I'm still thinking that there is a disconnect between last season and this with the whole Mohinder working for the company angle.
Matt is investigating Nakamura's death and he's met up with Nathan and Angela Petrelli again. I loved the scene where Angela screamed at him to get out of her head, but his line of questioning (based solely on what he's reading in her head) is going to generate suspicion with his superiors. He needs to keep that in check. But what in the world was after Angela in the interrogation room? Was is the man that Molly sees in her dreams? Was it the same person that killed Nakamura? At first I thought it might be the same and that Nakamura might have been alone and just believed that he was being pushed, but remember that Ando saw two people. When Matt and Nathan saw Angela they didn't see anyone else, so this attack was definitely different, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it was a different person doing it.
I did like seeing Nathan step up to save his mother instead of just wallowing around in self pity like last week. Maybe over the course of the season he'll regrow his backbone and help out. I would imagine that reuniting him with Peter is all he really needs to get going.
I was very happy to see the Haitian return and I loved the way that they shot the scene of him leaving and Mohinder not even remembering where he was. That was classic. And now he's hooked back up with Mr. Bennett. That could go two different ways. Either they are going to work together to help everyone (and they will make a formidable team) or they are going to slip back into old habits and it's going to stir up controversy. I'm betting on a little of the latter.
Also south of the border, Maya and Alejandro are still trying to get to America. Finally, we got to see a little of her power, though. My guess is that she can't cry. When she cries, that greasy junk comes out of her eyes and kills everyone around except Alejandro. Alejandro appears to have the other half of the power (which makes sense since they are twins) and he can absorb the bad junk and clear it out. He kind of reminded me of Michael Clark Duncan's character in The Green Mile. It makes me wonder if he could do the same with someone else or if his power only works on Maya. The thing that I still don't understand, though, is exactly what happens to cause death. The lady that was crossing the river with them didn't die. She just passed out or something. Did she come back because of Alejandro? Or did Maya just not get far enough gone to kill her?
Finally, Claire. We know for sure this week that Mrs. Bennett remembers what happened and that she knows about Claire's powers. I assume that that means that Lyle also knows and remembers. Claire's just pushing a little too hard to let her secret out, though. She flirting with danger and she's bound to run into some. I hope that this season doesn't all revolve around saving her again, though. That would be bad. I did love it when she cut off her toe, though, and it grew back. Not only was it cool special effects, but it tells us a little more about her abilities. Now, I just can't figure out why she never looked up when Mr. Muggles was about to have a caniption about getting something that was above him. And what's going to happen to the toe that she cut off? I wonder if that's going to turn up somewhere that it shouldn't and be used against her. I'm still suspicious of the flying kid, so I expect that he'll swipe it and take it to his masters while continuing to try and woo Claire.