Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Importance of Names

I was just talking to Leah yesterday about the way that names play into our lives and wondering if anyone has ever done a study on that. We all seem to have this subconscious idea of what people with certain names should look like or how they should behave. Or haven't you ever met someone and thought that their name didn't really seem to fit their personality, job, looks, whatever? Of course you have. We all have. I just wonder why that happens.

Is it some societal influence that we place on children so that they are molded to fit our image of what a person with their name should be? Is it some subconscious idea of emulating others that have similar names to ours? It seems unlikely to be mere chance or coincidence that so many parents just happened to pick the right name for their children, so what's really going on here?

Ironically, I just happened to have read a story about a man that is suing Honda over the mpg claims they make of their hybrid cars (http://www.detroitnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070706/AUTO01/707060350/1148). Wouldn't you expect a guy named True to go out of his way to make sure that one of the largest car manufacturers in the world is being honest with its customers?


Caci said...

well, I must say that I had no idea what Jacob's personality would be, but he lives up to the meaning of his name to a tee! Deceiver and con-man....that is what Jacob means, and my Jacob is top knotch! I think I may have jinxed him!

Caci said...

ok, i know i put a "k" in the word notch...hmmm....what was I thinking?

Anonymous said...

You put a "K" in 'notch' - apparently you're not addicted to intelligence like you thought. Hahahahaha
