Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Crazy Headlines

I've seen a barrage of interesting news stories the past few days, and I wonder if you've seen any of these. If you have, I wonder if you had the same thoughts on them as I. I really feel like there are critical details left out of most stories that could help us really evaluate them better and make better decisions. Here are some examples and my immediate reactions:

Let me know if you've seen any stories along these lines lately.


Caci said...

these are very funny. the only one I already had heard is the runaway bride one. The fact that you have links to all of these only proves my theory that you don't really work. But, you do get paid well to Google!

Michael said...

hehe...if you setup your RSS feeds like me, you'd get these crazy stories delivered right to your desktop, too.

It's not about working harder, just smarter. :)

Caci said...

thanks for the humor!!

Anonymous said...

Actually the hemorroid cream warning is not as crazy as you think. People have been putting the cream under their eyes for years,saying that it reduces the swelling under the lids. (Makes sense if you consider the swellings that cream can reduce.) I even considered using it myself but couldn't bring myself to do it...all I could picture in my mind's eye was these puckered up little squinty eyes. I'll keep my bags, thank you.

Anonymous said...

opps, I left the "h" out of hemorrhoid. I noticed it when I checked to see if it posted. (Just in case my ex-students still enjoy catching those spelling errors, particularly in ex-teachers.)

Caci said...

you didn't catch it cause your eyes were too puckered up! hahaha