We see the end of Volume II: Generations and the very tiniest start of Volume III: Villains. A pretty good episode that covered a lot of ground and left plenty of questions for what's coming next. Highlight below to read more:
Starting with the Sylar storyline, he and Maya are at Mohinder's apartment. Obviously, Mohinder decided not to go to New Orleans after the phone call he received, so he returns home to find Molly still sleeping, Maya cooking breakfast and Sylar wanting a cure. It doesn't take long for Maya to finally realize that Sylar is evil, but she is still clueless about her brother. She starts to kill everyone, but she can't stand the idea of hurting Molly so she backs off. Too bad she can't target specific people with her power.
To keep Molly out of any more danger, Mohinder agrees to take them to his lab. He tests Mohinder's blood and realizes that he has the same strain of the virus that Niki has. The company had to have given it to him. Obviously, that's what they were doing with him in the middle of the jungle at the beginning of the season. They probably wanted to test and find out if it would really keep his powers at bay. That part seems to have worked, but it didn't curb his serial killer tendencies. Maybe the company really was trying to do something justified there.
Sylar wants Claire's blood to heal him, but Mohinder isn't giving it up yet. Maya and Molly have been talking, though, and Molly tried to find Alejandro. She can't find him anywhere, so Maya finally realizes that he's dead. She confronts Sylar and gets shot. Personally, that was a great moment in the show, but then it was followed with Mohinder healing her with Claire's blood. Crap! We've got to put up with more of that girl. Just as all of that is complete, Elle bursts in and tries to take Sylar down. She loses him in the fight and he escapes with Claire's blood.
Claire is still planning to tell the world about her powers. West tries to convince her not to. He says that he likes having a secret and that if everyone knew it would ruin his life. Just after that Noah shows back up at the door. The entire Bennett family assumes that they have been lied to by Noah, but he tells them that he was only healed because they gave him some of Claire's blood. He also tells them that he made a deal so they can live a normal life and he will have to return to the company. How can that be normal? And will he have to return to the company to work for them? Or to be imprisoned by them? I'd like to know more details of the deal he worked out.
Elle visited Noah while he was imprisoned to find out what her father did to her. She was mad at dad because he benched her for botching the Claire surveillance. Noah tells her that Bob pushed her to the limit of her abilities when she was just seven. She sort of believes him and tries to find out for herself by looking through her personnel records in Bob's office. Her file is empty. Don't you think that Bob should have had something innocuous in there? It seems to me that an empty box is the most suspicious thing of all. If I found that, I'd just look that much harder for whatever is supposed to be in the box.
Monica is still being held by the gang bangers. They've got her tied up in an old building and they are planning to burn it down with her inside. Micah is tracking her cell phone with his since Niki doesn't have super strength anymore. When they finally find the place, Niki puts a beat down on the one guy that set the fire and then rushed in to get Monica. She helps Monica escape but ends up trapped. Just after Monica gets out the building explodes with Niki apparently inside. Now we'll just be stuck with the rugrats, Micah and Monica, with no hottie to look at in their storyline. It's really unfortunate if you ask me.
The interesting thing is that when Micah and Niki were driving to find Monica, Micah changed the streetlights to green. Did he do that through his phone? Or is he developing the ability to talk to the computers without having to touch them?
Angela is out of jail. Matt tells them that Adam killed Victoria Pratt. Angela tells them that Nathan and Matt need to leave Adam alone. They tell Angela that Peter is alive and that he is with Adam. Angela says that the founders of the company believed in Adam and that he is the one that brought them together. She says that at first she helped Adam, but then she realized that he was wrong. She also says that only someone with Peter's abilities can get to the virus and that's why Adam is using. Angela tells Nathan that he'll have to put a bullet in Adam's head to kill him. Then she tells Matt (telepathically) that he'll have to kill Peter, too, if they can't stop him. Apparently, Angela won't have too much of an issue with having her sons killed to serve the greater good.
Hiro stops time just as Peter and Adam enter Primatech. Hiro says that he is going to kill Adam to avenge his father. Peter says that he can't let that happen. Peter believes that Adam wants to destroy the virus. Peter manages to knock Hiro out, and Adam gets his sword back. The virus is behind a huge door that Peter has to rip off of its hinges. After much effort he succeeds, and Hiro appears again to stop Adam from entering the safe. Adam knocks Hiro out of the way and Peter starts to attack him again.
Matt tries to stop Peter from attacking Hiro and gets pushed around like a toy until Nathan steps in and helps Peter see that Adam really is bad. Hiro has already teleported into the safe, though, and is telling Adam that he is going to kill him. Adam has the virus already, and when Hiro teleports them away, the virus container drops to the floor. Now, not to be too nitpicky, but how come the virus container didn't go with them? The sword went. Their clothes went. Hiro's glasses went. Why not the virus?
Regardless, Peter arrives just in time to stop the vial from breaking, and he destroys the virus with a little radioactivity. The whole thing is turned to ash. We see the "Godsend" symbol in the ashes briefly before Peter brushes them away and then Nathan, Peter, and Matt all start talking. Someone is watching on a video monitor, though, and hears that Nathan wants to tell the world.
Matt sets up the press conference and just as Nathan is preparing to say that he has the ability to fly, he is shot twice in the chest. It seems to me that the world is going to wonder pretty quickly what it was that he was about to confess, but they will probably all assume that he was gay or had an affair or something like that. At least, I'm sure that's what the assassin (or whomever hired him) was thinking. Matt managed to get a look at a man walking away quickly. He was probably the shooter, but we don't know who he was. All I know is that it looked like they were doing the press conference at a police station, so the shooter is probably a little crazy. What kind of person attempts an assassination in a police station?
Just after that we see Angela crying and on the phone. She tells the person on the other end that Pandora's Box has been opened. Does that mean that they messed up by shooting her son? Or that there are going to be more questions now than anyone can really answer and that the powers are inevitably going to be revealed?
Finally, we find out that Hiro took Adam to a coffin buried in a cemetery and left him there. He tells Ando that he'll never hurt anyone again. I wonder how long Adam can live buried in a coffin. I wouldn't think it would be very long even with regenerative powers.
After all of that, Volume III: Villains started. All we saw was one very brief moment where Sylar takes an injection of Claire's blood. His wounds are healed, and his power is returned. Since he didn't have any ability (other than the power to absorb powers) at first, and he test with telekinesis, then I think we can assume that all of the powers he absorbed are back. I wonder if he also got the power of illusion that he stole from Candice.
1 comment:
let me just say I was totally excited when Sylar shot Maya...then I was like, yeah her character was totally pointless except to get Sylar to Mohinder I guess. And what is up with her power? Anyway, then...like you I was depressed when they brought her back. Hopefully we will find some good use for her power, or Sylar will just take it from her. Overall, I enjoyed it and am looking forward to Volume III. I still enjoy the show.
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