Thursday, August 31, 2006

Who are these freaks?

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. It just seems like nothing interesting has been going on over her in the Big D.

I haven't been to any football games with half-naked, barrel-sporting, mountain men like Melissa. I wonder if anyone else noticed that Melissa was wearing a sweatshirt and long pants. Is it already that cool in CO?

I don't have any makeup to sell like Windy, and I have to believe that there are some great stories there that we haven't heard yet; imagine a dude wearing a barrel asking Windy to sell him some Mary Kay. Now that would be blog post for the ages!

We haven't been on any trips like Caci and her family.

I haven't met any cute guys at the studen center like Megan. I did have a server at the Freebirds sing to me the other day, though. Maybe I'll tell more about that later and pass his name along for Windy if I see him on my next visit.

Basically, it's been pretty normal around here. It seems like there should still be something special about today...

Oh, yes, I remember...

Reagan is TEN YEARS OLD!!

I really can't figure out how ten years have already passed. You always think your parents are nuts when they say stuff like this, but it really does seem like yesterday that we were bringing her home from the hospital. Now, she's into double-digits.

The next thing I know, she's going to be asking Megan for tips on how to meet cute guys, and I'm going to be asking Uncle Johnny for tips on how to scare them off!

In all seriousness, I am very proud of the young lady that she is growing into. Tonight we are going to eat at her favorite restaurant: Pei Wei. I'm not sure what I'll be having since I don't eat Asian food, but it's her birthday.

And, btw, I didn't forget to post about my other kids' birthdays. None of them hit the ten year milestone. They all had wonderful birthdays, though.


Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Reagan!!!!

Yes, it is getting cooler up here! That day was actually really nice, but we had rain come through so it did get pretty cool towards the end of the game.

Everyone that sees my barrel man pic asks if he had something on under the I was really gonna look. I don't need that visual!

Caci said...

yeah, melissa needs to stab her minds' eye!
Reagan, Reagan, Reagan! My first niece! You really are growing up to be a beautiful young lady. I really enjoyed seeing you the other night. I hope next time we can spend more time together! I love you very much!
Aunt Caci