Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Down Under Thunder

Anyone who’s ever owned a male dog knows all about getting their leg humped by their pet. Imagine if the pet weighed 336lbs, though.


At that weight, a simple leg humping is more akin to barnyard rape, and it can be quite dangerous. As a matter of fact, an Australian woman was killed by her pet camel when it knocked to the ground and tried to mount her. Previously, the family goat had been nearly suffocated during one the camel’s amorous adventures.

Now what I want to know is, exactly what do you have to look like to be the “object of the male camel’s desire”? Are humps on your back a prerequisite or is it just a bonus? Do you need to bare your teeth anytime you get frustrated? And should you spit huge globs of snot on random passerby?

It just makes you wonder about what else was going on at that farm. Camels, goats, and people. Freaky!

1 comment:

Caci said...

how crazy! I guess whoever gave her the camel for her birthday present feels pretty bad now